On December 2, 2009, George Rodrigue visited with students at Baton Rouge Magnet High School in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. During the two-hour visit to their art studio classroom, Rodrigue gave students an insight on what it takes to be an artist.
He traced his beginnings as a young student in New Iberia, Louisiana through his professional art training at the College of Art and Design in Los Angeles, CA. Rodrigue was also able to give them a bit of an art history lesson on how art has evolved and the importance of knowing how art has changed over time.
The purpose of the visit was to help further along the mission of George Rodrigue Foundation of the Arts to help develop our youth through art in education. Additionally, Rodrigue gave insights to the high school seniors on how to approach their entries for this year's first annual GRFA Art Contest for Louisiana High School Seniors.
We want to again thank principal Nanette Greer and art teacher Heather Hogg for allowing us to come to their school. And, we would especially like to thank all of the students that sacrificed their sleep in order to meet us before school at 5:00 A.M. for the lecture and art lesson. It was a great day for us and our foundation!